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Meet The Family:

          So you wanted to know more, huh?  Alright, so there are 10 of us!  Big family with big ambitions.  We grew up in Syracuse, New York.  Then we moved from the city to the countryside to a town you've probably never heard of.  It's called Chateaugay, New York.  So close to Canada that you can walk there!  We got tired of all of the cow patties and moved to Central, Ohio where we currently reside.  People from Ohio say its very country, but I beg to differ after living in Chateaugay, New York.

Here's the Squad:

  • Jazz's Instagram
  • Jazz's Pinterest
  • Jazz's Facebook
  • Jasmine's Snapchat
  • TikTok
  • Faith's YouTube
  • Faith's Instagram
  • Faith's TikTok
  • Faith's Pinterest
  • Grace's Instagram
  • Grace's Snapchat

Jasmine Coe

I'm Jazz.

Likes: Randomly breaking out in song and dance, fasshhhioonnn, edgy/sleek style, food.

Dislikes: Plain mayonnaise or onions, having nothing on my back when I'm in the dark, sleeping without a blanket.


Faith Coe

Likes: Fashion, singing, cats, makeup, kpop, memes, snacks, sleeping, watching movies, amusement parks, Christmas, laughing, good hygiene, shoes and pink.

Dislikes: Spiders, sharks, mayonnaise, science, public speaking, country music, and politics.


Grace Coe

Likes: Retro and vintage, purple pink and blue, pastels, iced tea, slushies, dairy, cats, freckles, curly hair, piano and kpop, photography, WebToons, Saturdays are the best days of the week, amusement parks, Big Hero Six, Christmas, sweaters, nature, autumn, rain, fragrances. laughing, 2 for 6 deal spicy crispy chicken sandwich with mayo from Burger King.

Dislikes: I hate Mondays, they are the worst.  Coffee, hot dogs, grilled cheese, tacos, the dark, heights, tornadoes, clowns, presenting projects, high heels (they look scary), bugs (spiders specifically), getting wet in the rain, attention seekers, glasses, bad breath, I don't like sports (but I like volleyball).



Our furry sidekick!

Shes about 14 years old.

She loves attention and food.

Weird fact:  She uses the toilet to go to the bathroom.  we never trained her to do that.  She just started using it on her own one day.

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